5 Surprising Things That Affect Taste
5 Surprising Things That Affect Taste
What is really being affected is the flavor of the food?Thai food image from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_cuisine#/media/File:Yam_wun_sen.JPG |
Sense of taste is strongest for women during childbearing years and becomes even more heightened during pregnancy, thanks to a hormonal surge. After menopause, your ability to taste bitterness sometimes drops off.
In both genders, sugar cravings seem to be most intense when anxiety is high. Recent research from Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia has suggested that stress-activated hormones, called glucocorticoids, may affect how our taste cells react to sugar.
"A huge part of what we taste is actually what we smell with our olfactory cells," says Valerie Duffy, RD. If your sense of scent is impaired whether
from allergies, a sinus infection or a more permanent medical condition savoring foods becomes more difficult.
People who suffered from moderate to severe ear infections during childhood may have damage to taste nerves, which can cause them to prefer
sweet and fatty foods. One study found that they were more than twice as likely to be obese as adults as people who hadn't had many ear infections.
People tend to enjoy foods more if they have a fancy name, such as Lightly Pounded Parmigiana Crusted Rib Pork Chop, than if they come without the fanfare, according to research from Cornell University. All the more reason to tell your family that dinner is Gourmet Grilled Tilapia with Broccoli Florets.
What Kind of Taster Are You?
Find out by answering yes or no to each of the following.Do you like spicy foods?
Do you like green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and collard greens?
Do you like fried chicken?
Do you like grapefruit?
Do you like really sweet desserts?
Do you prefer creamy salad dressings over oil-based vinaigrettes?
Do you drink your coffee black?
Do you like beer?
Do you like scotch or vodka?
The more "no" responses you have, the more likely it is you’re a super taster. A higher number of “yes” answers means you’re closer to a non taster. If you’re about half and half, you’re similar to the majority of Americans you fall somewhere in the middle.
Credit : HEALTH Magazine March 2015
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